Private Rules currently provides 3 different types of “secret sauce” with a variety of flavors, and they can be combined if you wish. These flavors are CAPTCHA, Timing (of login), and Position (where you click on the Login button). Select the type of rule you want, enable it, and select the details you like. You can require one, two, or all three flavors of secret sauce. But start off with something simple that you can easily remember.
For CAPTCHA, you have 3 choices for introducing a deliberate error into how you respond to the 5-letter CAPTCHA challenge at First Cosmic. You can insert a character of your choice into a specific position (positions 1-6, where 6 is the position after the five requested letters), replace a character of your choice, or change the case of character of your choice.
For timing, note the little timer below the login area at First Cosmic. The timing rules relate to what is displayed. You can require a specific digit to be present in the seconds display (e.g., there must be a 7 when you click), or you can require that you wait for a specific time on the timer such as 0:43. The timer is reset when you reload the page.
For position, you can choose a specific location to click on when you click the Login button.
On Private Rules, when you are editing rules for an account, one of the tabs is “General” where you select what happens when the secret sauce is missing at login. The default is “feigned access,” but you can choose “denied access” if you wish. Feigned access at First Cosmic shows an account with $1000 present, and functions like transferring money won’t work. Lets a thief think they are in when they really aren’t.
Keep your trillion safe from thieves with the power of Private Rules and let us know what you think of the concept and its potential. There are many other uses described in the patents, including adding security to credit card purchases, smart phones, automobiles, and much more. We are currently looking for partners to further commercialize and implement the technology for secure login, cell phone security, automotive security, and other applications. For more information, contact the inventor using the form below.